Friday, 12 July 2013

Devising exercises

Milling - 

Walking at a constant speed, you are in control of the route you take but changing directions persistently.

The objective of milling is to initiate independent of feeling and kinetic group awareness.

Milling should feel light and natural and you shouldn't need to think about it too much.

Passing Diagonals - 

Chose a partner to work with for this exercise, walk towards each other at the same pace confidently, do not stop in fear of hitting one another, before you touch each other pivot your footing so you turn and circle past one another clockwise, this exercise takes a lot of trust and confidence in you and your partner, this exercise will almost feel like you are a magnet, you and your partner are attracting and then suddenly repel.

Parallel Walking Exercise - 

Get a partner and face side by side, travel across the room, you should be able to move in unison at exactly the same time without looking at one another, keep your focus directly in front of you. Once you have completed this add the objective to care and to rely on , one person is looking after the other person, at times leave your person around the room, how does it make them feel to be left alone?

Hand/Raise/Fall - 

A person puts their hands up and says “Me” they then fall backwards and other members of the group run to catch them. They must learn to do it lightly and allow each fall not to be blip, but to keep the room charged and get on with it after catching someone.
Add 2/3 people doing it at the same time.
Take out the “Me” and just raise your hand.

Small dance - 

Close eyes.
Notice the body’s natural sway with no sight. Gradually start to exaggerate this sway. Explore the full range of your balance, wobble to the point that you lose balance and catch yourself in every direction, front, back, side to side.

Stage balancing - 

Working round a shared centre point in pairs balance the space around you. As if the room is balanced upon a needle through the centre. This exercise will help you become more aware of your surroundings and having to focus on more than one thing at the same time.

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